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8 posters

    How To Farm Lockboxes


    Mesaj Sayısı : 40
    Kayıt tarihi : 2013-04-05
    Yaş : 34
    Nerden : Cyprus

    How To Farm Lockboxes Empty How To Farm Lockboxes

    Post by ahmtkfl Sat Apr 06, 2013 12:30 pm

    This thread is going to be updated with all your newer findings, if any.

    I opened it cause I didn't have Magneto and I hoped it will be useful, not only for me and all like me, but, eventually, for those also who had Magneto and Pym already and they wanted to go after old weapons.
    Hopefully it will be updated with every new SpecOp for the future lockboxes to come.

    About Magnetic Lockboxes in SpecOp 7:
    Which is the best mission? and
    What is the best method in that mission?

    Originally Posted by brian84
    ........a few of the players here say that better to farm in SOM2, by deploying IW and SIF..........then quit, and start SOM2 again and so on.......
    and you can achieve each run with 30-40 energy only........MAINLY to farm lockboxes.......
    Confirmations or better suggestions please?

    Originally Posted by Cruz0745
    Trying brian method right now 4 run no boxes yet. i will try 1 more time.
    Clarification for the new members:
    When we say "most effective" we don't mean you WILL get lockboxes. Theoretically you might end up with zero lockboxes if you are super unlucky even if you try the best method.
    What we are trying to find out here is in which mission and with which method we can reach the most roulettes with the least energy cost.

    Let me remind you, THE ONLY gold-free source of lockboxes right now is through specific hero deploys in SpecOp missions.

    Needless to say you have to deploy as soon as they appear and fight the highest threats first.

    Last but not least try not to forget to collect all possible unstable Iso you can get from gifts, maps and links.
    Moreover concider to farm consumables in-battle (the old way) so that you can get an iso drop more often, thus saving isos per battle.
    If you don't know how, well... maybe you should look at an old guide of mine "9 isos or less per battle" (needs update tho).

    extra tips:

    Originally Posted by AgentZang
    If IW doesnt appear from the start then yeah, abort and refresh the mission.
    If Sif doesn't appear after the battle, then its not worth aborting and losing 20uISOs for nothing.
    Moreover, if Sif won't appear after first battle, go also after Ms.Marvel! I'm explaining here why.

    But be careful...

    Originally Posted by AgentZang
    If mMarvel doesnt appear after your 3rd battle (after picking up Sif) then just exit at 50uISOs.
    Is there any way to make Sif appear always right after the first battle?

    Originally Posted by patrick23195
    hey guys, i just discovered something while carrying out this method. I got Sif's deploy after my first battle (medium) for sure if I used a distress call in the fight. the tally till now is 5/5 (from the 5 first fights where I used a distress call, I got Sif all the 5 times) and 4/4 for the opposite (i didnt use distress call 4 times, and did NOT get Sif's deploy all the 4 times). Might just be luck, or the real deal. But I would need someone to try it out too.

    An edit: It seems that it is more related to the mission score than the distress call. 8500+ score would give me the deploy. A bit below that would give high threat, and around 5000 or less will give a medium. Still working on the exact cut-off.
    I believe whether Sif is going to appear after first fight or not is random, but with more chances to appear.
    Plus distress calls may cause combat validation errors!...
    Confirmations on Patrick's theory?

    edit: SpecOp7 is over!
    Thank you all for your contribution guys! You actually gave me a Magneto!

    Now, is there any suggestion to have in mind before next SpecOp begins?

    Originally Posted by AgentZang
    For the next SO, you guys should take a screenshot of the map at the start of an LB farming mission. I think the threats/deploys after the first battle are the same for each mission build. So threat locations might also be a factor (well more of an indicator as to what the mission path will be)
    See you all in SpecOp8! Very Happy

    Mesaj Sayısı : 25
    Kayıt tarihi : 2013-04-16

    How To Farm Lockboxes Empty Re: How To Farm Lockboxes

    Post by despot85 Tue Apr 16, 2013 1:02 pm

    thanks Smile

    Mesaj Sayısı : 9
    Kayıt tarihi : 2013-04-16
    Yaş : 35

    How To Farm Lockboxes Empty Re: How To Farm Lockboxes

    Post by Dragonjr Tue Apr 16, 2013 2:37 pm

    cool tip. Now we got new Lunchboxes! I already opened all. Very Happy

    Mesaj Sayısı : 8
    Kayıt tarihi : 2013-04-16

    How To Farm Lockboxes Empty Re: How To Farm Lockboxes

    Post by mponceh Tue Apr 16, 2013 3:36 pm

    thanks! Very Happy

    Mesaj Sayısı : 2
    Kayıt tarihi : 2013-04-16

    How To Farm Lockboxes Empty Re: How To Farm Lockboxes

    Post by jmgl1988 Tue Apr 16, 2013 7:15 pm


    Mesaj Sayısı : 3
    Kayıt tarihi : 2013-04-16

    How To Farm Lockboxes Empty Re: How To Farm Lockboxes

    Post by Iddco Tue Apr 16, 2013 9:01 pm

    for the omega boxes the easiest way to get them is by helping withthe group Ultron boss. However, to get to the point you can do this and start collecting boxes you have to do the first 7 special ops tasks. Once you get to the point to collect them try to do the special ops and lockbox tasks together as much as possible. Some of the tasks require you to go back to a chapter you have done. DO this while researching the the specops weapons and remember you will need at least a 3 star in all the special ops chapters to get Vision, so why not do them now.

    Mesaj Sayısı : 3
    Kayıt tarihi : 2013-04-17

    How To Farm Lockboxes Empty Re: How To Farm Lockboxes

    Post by arie_z Wed Apr 17, 2013 1:16 am

    thanks for the tip

    Mesaj Sayısı : 25
    Kayıt tarihi : 2013-04-16

    How To Farm Lockboxes Empty Re: How To Farm Lockboxes

    Post by despot85 Wed Apr 17, 2013 12:40 pm

    Iddco wrote:for the omega boxes the easiest way to get them is by helping withthe group Ultron boss. However, to get to the point you can do this and start collecting boxes you have to do the first 7 special ops tasks. Once you get to the point to collect them try to do the special ops and lockbox tasks together as much as possible. Some of the tasks require you to go back to a chapter you have done. DO this while researching the the specops weapons and remember you will need at least a 3 star in all the special ops chapters to get Vision, so why not do them now.

    yeah the easiest way is by helping friend ultron boos, but ultron boss not appear on my friend map

    Mesaj Sayısı : 5
    Kayıt tarihi : 2013-04-16

    How To Farm Lockboxes Empty Re: How To Farm Lockboxes

    Post by JonnyPen Thu Apr 18, 2013 5:21 pm

    only need one more comic book for alpha sentinel king just saying i'm excited

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